ProtocolsISSHOOs PublicationsKarran EL, Cashin AG, Barker T, Boyd MA, Chiarotto A, Mohabir V, Petkovic J, Sharma S, Tugwell P, Moseley GL. (2024) It is time to take a broader equity lens to highlight health inequalities in people with pain. British Journal of Anaesthesia.
Karran EL, Cashin AG, Barker T, Boyd MA, Chiarotto A, Mohabir V, Petkovic J, Sharma S, Tugwell P, Moseley GL. (2024) Development of recommendations for a minimum dataset for Identifying Social factors that Stratify Health Opportunities and Outcomes (ISSHOOs) in pain research (Study Protocol). MethodsX. Karran EL, Cashin AG, Barker T, Boyd MA, Chiarotto A, Dewidar O, Mohabir V, Petkovic J, Sharma S, Tejani S, Tugwell P, Moseley GL. (2023) Using PROGRESS-Plus to identify current approaches to the collection and reporting of equity-relevant data: a scoping review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Karran EL, Cashin AG, Barker T, Boyd MA, Chiarotto A, Dewidar O, Petkovic J, Sharma S, Tugwell P, Moseley GL. (2023) The ‘what’ and ‘how’ of screening for social needs in healthcare settings: a scoping review. PeerJ. |
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